Thursday, 2 April 2015

I Was Made This Way For A Reason

Original poem by Maranda Russell

I was made this way for a reason..

With a mind that chases down ideas and wrestles them to the ground.

With eyes that pierce the veil then hide themselves from the darkness.

With ears that hear you say one thing but intuit something else altogether.

With a mouth that may seem too bold but seeks only to speak the truth.

With a heart that casts out a net to catch every casualty floating by.

With arms wishing to embrace the cosmos but returning empty, feeling bereft.

With feet that stumble over themselves, yet constantly rise and keep going.


I was made this way for a reason...

and so were you.

For more from Maranda,including links to her fan page, vlog and website, please check out her author profile here or find her in our Artist Directory

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