Thursday, 2 April 2015

Debunking The Chlorine Dioxide Protocol

**Because of the very real threat of retribution, the collaborative authors of the following piece have chosen to remain anonymous, preferring to be attributed as The North American Anti-CD Task Force**

Greetings! There are many books relating to autism in print and online for people to read. I will focus on just one: Healing the Symptoms known as Autism, by Kerri Rivera and Kimberly McDaniel, two US-born sisters who are currently living in Mexico. (1)(2)
Kerri and Kimberley claim that a series of drastic interventions will cure autism. These include dietary changes, taking supplements, and a series of drastic and dangerous alleged therapies. Central to their claims is administering chlorine dioxide (ClO2, commonly referred to as CD) orally and by enema. CD is an artificial chemical manufactured for use as a bleaching agent in industry and to sterilize surfaces and equipment. It is not approved as a food additive or as a medicine of any kind, and is classed as a toxin. As a result, this book’s dramatic claims deserve to be examined not just for validity but for safety. According to this book, autism can be "cured"! (3) However, science makes it clear that autism is a genetic difference and therefore "NOT CURABLE". I know, two opposing statements... two opposing opinions.
I will present compelling evidence (and some common sense) to reveal why this book’s improbable claims should not be taken seriously. Science, human biology, and evidence showing what damage could be done to the human body and the environment are what should be taken seriously.

Preamble to Healing the Symptoms
The issues begin from the outset. Let's start by looking at the the Disclaimer at the front of the book.
It makes me want to laugh! It says that one needs to consult with a medical professional, yet the title of the book says "Healing". Hmm...seems contradictory to me. Also, on Facebook groups supporting this protocol, Kerri and the group moderators warn to not trust medical professionals. Another contradiction! Wow....what's wrong with this? Everything!
Secondly, in the Foreword to Kerri's book, Lorna B. Ortiz talks about autism as a biomedical issue, stating that this "protocol" is cutting edge, and that autism is "curable". (4) There is no mention of autism being genetic. Yes, there are medicines and diet that may help mitigate the
symptoms of co-occurring conditions affecting some with autism, but the fact is autism is basically genetic (5) and thus far not curable!
Next, let's look at the Preface of this book. This is written by Kerri's sister Kimberley. She talks about new sections that were added in the second edition. One is written by Olive Kaiser, who has a web page called She claims the gluten-free/casein-free diet helps all autistics. This is false. It only helps if you actually have an allergy to one or both of these things, and we know that not all autistics have an allergy to gluten or casein. Therefore, it would not help them and may harm

Chapters 1 – 2: Testimonials
Moving on to the actual book itself, Chapter 1 is Kerri's mini autobiography. This is essentially just an ego-stroking extended testimonial. Chapter 2 is full of more testimonials. Yawn, boring!

Chapter 3: Diet
The good stuff has arrived. Chapter 3! There are a few things I can agree with in this chapter. Yes... I did say that. Kerri talks about reviewing all supplements. That is something we all should do. Also, removing processed foods and things like food that contain food coloring and artificial items. A more all-natural diet is good for everyone. Eating non-GMO foods is brilliant. The rest of it not so much. Really she advocates taking so many good foods out of the child’s diet it is a struggle to figure out what is left sometimes. Probably the biggest concerns are around the lack of vitamins, and sometimes the excess of vitamins. The consequences, especially for a child can be serious.

Here are a few links, with a brief description, that may help with understanding diets covered in Kerri's book.
Human GI Tract (Sources included) Anatomy Overview (video)

Healthy Diet for Children- This is a brief overview from the American Pediatric Association. It should make it clear that the stuff Kerri has the kids on is very, very insufficient.

Gluten Free, Casein Free Diets- This is also from the American Pediatric Association. They try really hard to be nice about it, but reading between the lines, “This diet is potentially harmful if you are not super careful about supplementation, and the autism connection is hooey, so unless your kid has celiac, it’s not worth it.”

Low Carb Diet- The upshot, according to this and a few others, is that low-carb is slightly more beneficial than low-fat diets for weight loss in the obese, but unless it’s implemented properly, can cause problems from a lack of fruits and vegetables – these are needed mostly for antioxidants and fiber. In other words – if the goal isn’t weight loss, it’s probably not worth it.

Scurvy- I know that Kerri’s protocol includes telling them not to give antioxidants, which is very worrisome. I’m going to go ahead and include information on the worst case scenario for antioxidant deficiencies. Scurvy is Vitamin C deficiency.

Vitamins are essential for our bodies’ proper functioning. In the book, Kerri talks about eliminating antioxidants from the diet. Honestly, that's IMPOSSIBLE! Here are a few links/summaries of a few vitamins.

Vitamin A Deficiency- The upshot is this is that insufficient Vitamin A causes blindness and immune deficiency. I am guessing it also leads to skin issues, since Vitamin A is crucial for skin repair (topical Vitamin A is what’s in the expensive skin creams that actually work somewhat).

Vitamin E Deficiency- This one actually sounds the most terrifying to me. Upshot: fragile red blood cells (so anemia and oxygen deficiency) and nerve damage. We know from lab testing that CD also does rapid damage to red blood cells – the combination of low vitamin E and high CD is a recipe for serious oxygen starvation. No wonder there are multiple reports of kids on this protocol being unsteady on their feet after being dosed, or of “sleeping peacefully”.

Chapter 4: Jim Humble writes about Chlorine Dioxide
Jim Humble is the founder and leader of the Genesis II Church, an organization that claims chlorine dioxide will cure basically everything, from acne to cancer, AIDS to influenza… and autism too.
He states that chlorine dioxide is not used as a cleaning agent. He is incorrect!(11). Many science-based source say otherwise. For example, Lenntech is one of many companies selling chlorine dioxide products for sanitizing water and cleaning equipment. Their website states otherwise.(11) The person Jim claims found CD is correct! Sir Humphrey Davy was born in 1779. Yes he did create chlorine dioxide almost 200 years ago.(11)(13)(14) As for the safety part of CD, I must go over that with you.
The thing I have noticed is that making CD is actually DANGEROUS! I am not just saying that for is a fact! CD is an explosive gas! (11)(12)(15) I cannot emphasize that enough. In every article I have read it states clearly that it must only be handled by properly trained people operating in a controlled environment, not some layperson trying to make it in their garage.(11)(12)(15) If just one mistake is made... it can explode. Sorry, but I for one do not want to live next to someone using their garage or kitchen as an explosives factory!

Chapter 5: A Discussion of Chlorine Dioxide
At this point it is worth taking some time to understand what this chlorine dioxide stuff is. In Chapter 5, Kerri Rivera begins discussing CD in detail, and the role she suggests is plays in “recovering” children from autism.
Here is the chemical equation for a common method of producing CD (or ClO
2 as it is properly abbreviated):
Cl2 + 2NaClO2 -> 2ClO2 + 2NaCl
What this means:
Add one molecule of dichloride to two molecules of sodium chlorine dioxide to produce two molecules of chlorine dioxide (gas) and two molecules of table salt.
That equation is one of five ways to produce chlorine dioxide, aka CD. To many people, an equation like that can appear daunting or even scary. It need not be. I am going to explain the following: 1. Why untrained folks should not be handling CD; 2. Why CD is dangerous for consumption; and 3. What you need to do if you do breathe or ingest CD, or get it on your skin.
1. Why you should not handle chlorine dioxide.
Chlorine dioxide is an unstable gas. That means it can ignite when pressurised or subjected to a little heat. It cannot be transported due to its instability. When CD is manufactured, all the work is carried out by trained chemists in a laboratory. Specialized equipment is used to create and extract chlorine dioxide gas. When the gas is mixed with water, cold water is used as otherwise there is a risk it may explode. If the water is too warm , it can also produce dangerous products such as chloric acid or perchloric acid – unstable liquids that are toxic and can kill you.
Here are a few facts about CD which people using Kerri Rivera’s scheme are not told.
Appearance: Gas. Light sensitive
Melting point: -76°C; -59°C
Boiling point: 10°C
Only trained persons should work with this volatile, dangerous gas
2. Why chlorine dioxide is dangerous for consumption, inhalation or skin contact:
The dangers of ingesting, inhaling or having CD contact via skin or eyes:
Skin contact: Causes a rash Causes itching, swelling and redness of contact areas
Eye contact: Causes irritation of the eyes and redness
Ingestion: Causes the destruction of any bacteria in your GI tract, including ‘good bacteria’. Will also destroy red blood cells, cause diarrhea and dizziness, and can lead to serious, life threatening conditions
Inhalation: Lungs are highly sensitive to CD. Causes protective mucous lining to disintegrate. Will cause pulmonary edema (swelling of the cardiovascular system).

3. What you must do if you breathe or ingest CD, or get it on your skin:
Skin contact: There are four steps to treatment - Brush off any loose product. Immediately rinse skin using plenty of water to remove any remaining liquid. Wash the area with soap and water. Contact a doctor or poison control center for advice on adverse reactions
Eye contact: There are three steps to treatment - Hold the eye open while rinsing gently with cool water for 20 minutes. If you are wearing contact lenses, remove them after the first five minutes of rinsing, then complete the 20-minute rinse. Once complete, immediately seek medical attention, but do not attempt to drive yourself to a treatment center.
Ingestion: There are four steps to perform – Immediately make contact with a poison control center or a doctor for advice on treatment. The affected person should drink as much water as they find comfortable, if able to swallow. Do not attempt to induce vomiting except when advised to by a poison control center or doctor. In the event that the person is unconscious, do not give anything liquid or solid by mouth.
Inhalation: The inhalation of CD gas is the most immediately damaging, and has a dangerous effect at far lower volumes than through ingestion or external contact. Call for an ambulance immediately. Do not wait. If unconscious, check the person is breathing. If the person is not breathing, perform CPR. Ensure the person remains in a resting position. Ensure the person is attended at all times while awaiting emergency treatment. (16)(11)(12)(15).

Chapter 5: Using Chlorine Dioxide to “Recover” from Autism
In this chapter, Kerri begins discussing her claims about what causes autism, and how CD is a
miracle cure-all solution to combat all those causes. What causes? These causes:

Alleged causes of autism, from Healing the Symptoms, p.85
This table of “causes” is presented with no explanation of how or why they cause autism. There is no explanation, for example, why autistics become autistic due to parasitic worms when millions of non-autistics carry parasites within them with no detectable effect. Neither does it explain how autistics somehow become afflicted by so many different things yet all those around them remain unaffected.
Claims by Jim Humble and Kerri Rivera that CD kills viruses and bacteria are correct. However, the action of a chemical in a Petrie dish in a lab or inside the pipes of a water cooling tower are not at all the same as the actions of that chemical within the human body. Our human bodies are complex environments. If being germ-free was as simple as pumping the body full of one of the many substances known to kill viruses and bacteria, our human species would be essentially disease freewhich of course, we are not! All chemicals that are used to treat disease have been subjected to rigorous clinical trials to ensure their safety and efficacy. CD is classed as a toxic substance and is known to cause severe ill effects in humans. Other than for very low doses, it has not been tested for safety. This is mainly because no ethics committee would allow this toxin to be administered to human subjects at levels higher than about 25 parts per million – even at that level adverse affects have been detected. Regardless of all this, any claims that Autism is cause by a disease – or is in fact a disease itself - are unfounded, making treatment with CD or any other medical “cure” absurd. (16)
Heavy Metals
Heavy metals(3)(21)(22)(23) is the next area we need to look at. In her book (page 85), Kerri claims that these cause autism. Worries about overloading the body with heavy metals have been an area of concern for many people, not just in Kerri Rivera’s book.
What is considered a heavy metal?
DEFRA (Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs) in the UK has this to say:
The heavy metals which are monitored by CEH [Centre for Ecology and Hydrology] include:
Aluminium (Al), Antimony (Sb), Arsenic (As), Barium (Ba), Cadmium (Cd), Cobalt (Co), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Rubidium (Rb), Scandium (Sc), Selenium (Se), Strontium (Sr), Tin (Sn), Titanium (Ti), Tungsten (W), Vanadium (V), Zinc (Zn).
Heavy metals are natural constituents of the Earth's crust. They are stable and cannot be degraded or destroyed, and therefore they tend to accumulate in soils and sediments. However, human activities have drastically altered the biochemical and geochemical cycles and balance of some heavy metals.
You can see the group includes the obviously toxic (arsenic) through to those regarded as helpful for health (iron).
In the book Healing the Symptoms known as Autism,(3) it states that heavy metals are one cause of autism. Heavy metals do contribute to many conditions, if in sufficiently high amounts. Granted, our bodies need certain metals, but this is usually in very small amounts.(24) There is no evidence however that heavy metals cause autism. They can make a person unwell or exacerbate other conditions, or even kill you (think arsenic, mercury, lead and so on), but cause autism? No.
One thing that is worth thinking about here, and it applies also to all the other so-called causes of autism. If all these things cause autism, why is the whole world not autistic? There can hardly be a person not exposed to parasites or to heavy metals. Certainly we can’t blame viruses or bacteria – the whole world is full of them. We are full of them! There are more bacterial cells in us than there are human cells.
Another thing to remember is that while one person may be exposed to a slight excess of lead, another is exposed to a slight excess of molybdenum and aluminum, while another is deficient in iron but has a slight excess of Nickel. These are not complex substances, they are basic elements and they all have very different structures and properties within the body. The idea that such basic but varied substances can all produce an amazingly consistent set of characteristics in autistics is just plain silly. We will see a similar issue below when discussing parasites.
Listed under References are links to some useful heavy metal articles.(21-24)
Worms and Parasites
As they feature so prominently in Kerri Rivera’s imagined universe of autism-causing agents, I would like to talk about those worms and parasites, the ones they claim cause autism and whatever else they can think of. “What is a parasite? An animal or plant that lives on, with, or in another living organism at whose expense it obtains some advantage. Parasites include multi-celled and single-celled animals, fungi, and bacteria. Lice and tapeworms are parasites to humans as mistletoe is to an oak tree.”(18) I know that looks extremely scary, even to me.
There are some parasites that we all have heard about: amoeba, malaria parasite, lice, ticks, fleas, lice, and more. There are also a few others that I will be covering, such as tapeworm and rope worm. Why? These are the main two that Kerri, and others like her, suggests eliminating as part of  “curing” autism. Autism is NOT curable, it is proven to be genetic hence there is no such thing as a parasite that causes autism. Probably the most important things to remember about parasitic worms is that humans and other species have been carrying them from the dawn of time, mostly with little or no damaging effect; and today very few humans are host to any worms, with most being restricted to relatively small areas with poor sanitation or poor food preparation.
That is a major problem for Kerri’s theory, just as it is for the heavy metals idea. If there are different parasites responsible for autism, and they are almost all found only in very restricted areas of the world, and none are found everywhere that autism is found… how is it that they all manage to produce the same characteristics? We actually know very well the symptoms of infection with the different parasitic worms. Mostly the symptoms are… nothing! Where they do get bad enough to even be noticeable, they look nothing like autism at all. Could it be that the unqualified opinion of Kerri Rivera is wrong, while thousands of expert parasitologists around the world and across the decades are right? Surely not!
Before discussing some of the parasites actually found in humans, let’s talk about the big bogey-man of Kerri’s alternate universe: the Rope Worm.
The rope worm is claimed to be enormous – feet long – yet was only “discovered” a few years ago. The discoverer was a civil engineer, not a scientist. Somehow he managed to identify this giant parasite when nobody had noticed it before. Perhaps that is because it is only found in very few people? Apparently not – the claim is that almost everyone is infected. To add to the craziness of this idea, the discoverer cannot explain its life cycle, and despite several attempts to get its DNA tested, the results have only ever shown either no DNA present, or that the DNA is human. There is a good reason for that: it is not a worm at all. In fact it is known to just be segments of intestinal mucous lining.
Now a little about actual real parasites.
“A parasitic cestode worm having a flattened band like form, which lodges in the intestines of animals and human beings. They are transmitted to humans in larval form, embedded in cysts, in meat, or in fish that is not properly cooked. In humans, they develop to maturity and attach themselves to the wall of the intestine, where they grow and release eggs.”(19)
Three of the less rare types of tapeworm come from beef, fish, and pork.
1. Taenia saginata: Beef tapeworm. Found across much of the world but actual cases are rare, as infection depends on eating undercooked beef. (19)
2. T. Solium: Pork tapeworm. Widespread across the world but actual cases are rare, as infection depends on eating undercooked pork. (19)
3. Diphyllobothrium latum: Fish tapeworm. Can only be caught by eating raw or undercooked fish. Only found in specific regions of the world, e.g. Japan, Uganda, Peru.(19)
If your meat comes from animals treated for these parasites – and in North America and Europe they are – and your food is prepared properly and you cook it, you have no risk of infection. None. Ever.
Even better, treatment for these worms is simple, using long-established and highly effective anthelmintic drugs usually in a single dose, NOT Kerri Rivera’s protocol for 18 months. Chlorine dioxide is NOT a treatment option! Kerri Rivera’s alleged protocol is bunk.
The actual treatment is as follows:
Normal Treatment: Anthelmintic Drugs – quinacrine hydrochloride (atabrine).
Newer Treatment: Hydroxychlorobenzamide. With this particular treatment, it’s not easy to determine whether it is effective to the point of the worm being totally destroyed beyond recognition. Further testing will be needed.(19)
4. Echinococcus granulosis: Can cause Hydatid disease. Virtually unknown outside the Mediterranean region of Europe. Infection is rare and typically results from eating undercooked offal.(19)
5. Hymenolepis nana: A dwarf tapeworm. Found worldwide. Isolated locations with high infection rates show no correlation with autism prevalence. In fact symptoms of any kind are either none or minor. Occurs mainly due to poor sanitation and hygiene practices.(19)
“Any of various types of parasitic nematode worms, which sometimes invade the human intestinal tract and multiply there. Very common among them is the pinworm, or seatworm, which infects 10 percent of the population of North America.”(19)(16) The high prevalence does not correlate at all with autism prevalence. Other types of roundworm are so rare and so local in distribution to be considered not even worth consideration as a cause of autism.
A final note about cause and effect in disease. Despite Kerri Rivera’s vague catalogue of claimed causes of autism, there is a well-established process for linking a proposed parasitic cause to an observed symptom. Key parts of the process are to show every person with the problem also is infected by the parasite and to show that people without the parasite do not display the symptoms. There is no attempt to show or even claim this connection exists by Rivera. There is also no evidence to suggest a link from any other sources either. What we do have is clear evidence that autism occurs without infection. We also have clear evidence that autism is not a disease. Finally we have clear evidence that autism is defined by a set of characteristics resulting from common genetic variations in human DNA. No worms required. That is a polite way of saying “you speak nonsense, Ms. Rivera!”

Chlorine Dioxide Enemas
Another important topic that is covered in the book: Enemas!
There is one clear message that can be found no matter what medical source you check - repeated enemas are bad.
Here is just one easy-access source on the subject
This explains not only that they’re bad, but why. And this of course is with a harmless substance – the problem is muscular, which is explained. There is also a concern that the enema tube could puncture the intestinal wall when an untrained parent is administering several enemas a day to a child who could be under two years of age (at least one instance of a child under 12 months has been identified). With CD enemas there are also issues with it eating through the intestinal lining (yikes!).
Kerri states on page 84 that parents should take the science to their doctors. “Doctors are not chemists and would not understand oxidizers”. That’s absurd. Doctors do take chemistry classes. Even nurses do. What is more worrying is that medical advice is being given by someone who is unaware of this basic fact of medical training!

Pages 103-113: Parents are given full instructions on how to give enemas and the CD bath. No parent should be given all this information about enemas. An actual medical professional, like a doctor or nurse, should be doing this, NOT someone with zero medical degree or knowledge! However the great majority of medical professionals would refuse outright to give even one enema to a child due to the known risks, never mind up to six in a day, with a toxic chemical, day after day for up to 18 months. That is what Kerri suggests, and it flies in the face of all medical knowledge on the subject, not to mention plain old common sense.
Also, the symptoms mentioned (see below) under ‘Herxheimer Reaction’ like blisters, burning, bloating, diarrhea, and runny nose can be side effects (Oops! Sorry, I mean a “Herxheimer Reaction”) of doing this.

One last thing needs to be said about the advisability of giving enemas to children. There is a strong argument that this not only does physical harm – blistering, cuts, punctured intenstine, infection, loss of bowel movement – but is also deeply psychologically scarring. It is a blatant invasion of not only personal space but intimate regions of the body itself. Some have gone so far as to call it sexual abuse or rape. It definitely does teach children that authority figures have a right to access them in inappropriate ways, so at the least is is distressing and grooms the child for any potential future abuser they may encounter.

Chlorine Dioxide Patents
Let's talk about those patents Kerri refers to on page 85 in the book. The following is an excerpt from the book.
"Excerpt of Jim Humble 's November 21, 2012 newsletter: Dr. Andreas Kalcker spoke of patents obtained by different multinational pharmaceutical companies, to cash on this product or to prevent it from being marketed."
• Nontoxic Antiseptic (Pat 4035483/1977)
Method for creating antiseptic dressing from proteinaceous material and sodium hypochlorite (NaClO, not NaOCl, which is used as the basis for Kerri Rivera’s method for manufacturing CD).
The sodium hypochlorite is fully reacted in the process. This is attached to a gauze and applied to external wounds. No NaOCl or ClO2 is used in the preparation. No NaOCl or ClO2 is present at the time of application.
• For combatting human amoebas (Pat.4296102/1981)
This patent does suggest an internal use for chlorine dioxide in the human body. However note that it is just a patent, not evidence of actual testing or proof. Patents are a way to secure ownership of an idea, even if that idea is impossible to turn into reality. It is also not held by a multinational, pharmaceutical corporation! Almost none of them are.

• Against dementia caused by AIDS (Pat.5877222/1999)
No evidence exists for this molecule, nor for the plausibility of it being possible to create. See for example the discussion here
I quote: "the title compound supposedly forms out of four chlorite anions, which would mean that four ions with a negative charge attract each other."
Again: "The "identification" of a compound in a patent requires no scientific basis or substantiation that the purported structure does, or even can exist.  ...  there is no support given for existence of the hypothetical species "tetrachlorodecaoxide" or its suggested structure."
That aside, the only relation this hypothetical and apparently impossible molecule has to chlorine dioxide is that it contains both chlorine and oxygen.

• For curing all types of illness of the skin (Pat 4737307/1988)
Contains several chemicals including "from a trace to not more than 20 ppm chlorine dioxide". The suggestion is for use on the skin only, not for internal use.

• For disinfecting live blood (Pat. 5019402/1991)
"The composition is formed with 0.015% (w/v) sodium chlorite" (150ppm), by comparison with (3000ppm, typically diluted to 1000-1500ppm as used by Kerri R). This is used to sterilize or prevent further development of infections in separated blood factors, not for use on or in the body.
• For curing injuries more rapidly (Pat. 5855922/1999)
"Antiseptic composition and process for prophylaxis and therapeutic treatment of dermal disorders ". Again this refers to an idea for external treatment on the skin

• For all types of oral care (Procter & Gamble) (Pat. 6251372B1/2001)
Big Pharma have their uses when you want to list patents! This is one of the very few so-called “big pharma” patent holders on this list, despite it being described as patents held by “multinational pharmaceutical companies”. Most are held by private individuals.
"...wherein preferably the pH of the final composition is greater than 7 and level of chlorine dioxide or chlorous acid is less than about 50 ppm, preferably is essentially free of chlorine dioxide or chlorous acid." In other words, CD is used in the process but the final product, for oral use, is “essentially free” of CD.

• Against infections caused by bacteria (Pat. 5252343/1993)
Non-human use, for treating bovine mastitis in dairy animals.

• For treatment of severe burns (Pat.4317814/1982)
One of several almost identical patents for burn treatment. External use only.

• For the regeneration of bone marrow (Pat. 4851222/1989)
Another patent claiming a use for the apparently impossible chemical tetrachlorodecaoxygen, and not for CD. It is claimed for use in "a mammal", not specifically in humans

• Treatment of Alzheimers, dementia etc. (Pat. 8029826B2/2011)
This patent does not even exist.

• To stimulate the immune system in animals (Pat. 6099855/2000)
Livestock treatment which is specifically stated to not contain measurable amounts of CD using methods sensitive to 1ppm. So, it is for animals, it is not a product in use, just an idea, and it doesn’t even contain CD. Why is this even on the list?
"Highly sensitive analytical measurements have been used which would detect as low as 1 ppm (parts per million) of chlorine dioxide or chlorine dioxide-containing complexes in the solutions of this invention, and no chlorine dioxide was detected. The active ingredients produced by the compositions described here are halogen-oxyhalogen, redox-buffered intermediates which do not generate chlorine dioxide."

• To stimulate the immunological system (Bioxy. Inc.) (Pat. 5830511/1998)
See previous patent - same company, same purpose: livestock. Also contains the same description:
"Highly sensitive analytical measurements have been used which would detect as low as 1 ppm (parts per million) of chlorine dioxide or chlorine-dioxide-containing complexes in the solutions of this invention, and no chlorine dioxide was detected. The active ingredients produced by the compositions described here are halogen-oxyhalogen, redox-buffered intermediates which do not generate chlorine dioxide."

Aside from the majority of these patents being unrelated to CD, most are not held by “multinational pharmaceutical companies, to cash on this product or to prevent it from being marketed." They are also unconnected except in one instance from any use similar to that suggested by Kerri Rivera or Jim Humble. It seems this is misinformation included because it looks impressive, and for no other reason. Add it to the misinformation list.

Herxheimer Reaction

On page 89, Kerri talks about the “Herxheimer Reaction”. She says the symptoms are:
Heart burn
Runny nose
Sleep changes

Now let's look at what a simple web search says:
Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction
Ja·risch–Herx·hei·mer reaction \ˈyä-rish-ˈherks-ˌhī-mər-\ noun
An increase in the symptoms of a spirochetal disease (as syphilis, Lyme disease, or relapsing fever) occurring in some persons when treatment with spirocheticidal drugs is started—called also Herxheimer reaction(25).

Herxheimer Reaction
Type: Term
Pronunciation: herkshī-mĕr
An inflammatory reaction in syphilitic tissues (skin, mucous membrane, nervous system, or viscera) induced in certain cases by specific treatment with arsphenamine (Salvarsan), mercury, or antibiotics; believed to be due to a rapid release of treponemal antigen with an associated allergic reaction in the patient(26).

That is a huge difference. Some of what she lists can be explained by looking elsewhere in her book, under Special Cases of “The Double Dose” on p.103. You are to give double the amounts of chlorine dioxide when the following occurs: anxiety, O.C.D., aggressiveness, hyperactivity, and night walking. These are supposed to be caused by toxins released by dying parasites. That is basically what Kerri calls Herxheimer Reaction. In fact, they are more likely to be the result of inflammation and irritation caused by pouring toxic CD into the poor child. It is also noticeable that this list is quite different to the earlier one. That double dose she recommends as a cure for those symptoms you might think would only make matters worse, but there is one important thing to remember about CD in high concentrations. It disables and even destroys red blood cells. That causes reduction in oxygen getting to the brain, and that makes people dozy or even unconscious. Or, as Kerri would prefer to call it, sleeping peacefully.

Most of the alleged Herxheimer Reaction symptoms Kerri lists can be attributed to a range of normal everyday occurrences, to tiredness, IBS, a cold, food poisoning. Think about how many times you have had hiccups for example, or a runny nose. Or fatigue, or burping or flatulence or heartburn? Perhaps a more likely explanation is the CD itself? After all, many of the symptoms listed are easily linked to known effects of this toxin.

Ocean Water
On page 115, there is a discussion of Ocean Water. This is what it sounds like: water from the sea. It is supposed to be drunk to replace the minerals ripped from the body by CD (they make no effort to disguise that this happens). Kerri says that those on chlorine dioxide need to replace important minerals lot. Well, um, try and not do the protocol! While she is right, there is no assessment done or even suggested  as to how much ocean water will do the job for a specific child, nor any consideration of the actual mineral content of the water – children are as likely being overdosed with one mineral as they are being left short of others. Apparently when it comes to human health, such silly considerations are irrelevant in Kerri’s alternate universe.

Further in to the book we see Kerri talk of the ATEC Statistics. This ATEC is not a standard test used by professionals. (27) I encourage you to follow  the link and take a look for yourself. (27)

Despite it not being designed or recommended for use as a diagnostic tool, it is considered the gold standard of proof by Kerri that a child has been “cured” from autism. Perhaps she chose it because it is so unscientific and subjective? We cannot know. What we DO know is that she advocates using it in a totally irresponsible and meaningless way.

A handy and easily accessible explanation of what is amiss with the ATEC can be found here, courtesy of Autistic Science
There are a wide range of supplements people are encouraged to push into their children’s bodies as part of the whole cleansing/ curing process. The great majority have no scientific basis for their claims, but I noticed one supplement in particular that I found disturbing. Why? Because of the side effects and the fact that kids are not to be given it. The supplement is called neem.(28) This stuff is known to do damage to the body, and is only ever used under medical advice where the benefits are considered to be sufficiently great as to outweigh the inevitable harm done, and even then only when no other options remain. This is not something parents should be ordering online and feeding to their kids!

Some Other ‘Therapies’ Kerri Recommends
Chapter 10, starting p.255 introduces the reader to chelation. This is an extreme technique used to extract toxic metals from the human system. Kerri recommends using chelation to remove all sorts of imagined toxins (remember all those imaginary heavy metals?)
Yet again we are given a list of sources for these scary toxins, including drinking water (because there are no super-tight regulations in place, right? Ha!); cookware and beauty products (again, apparently these are put on the market with no safety checks); food (because our food is apparently full of toxic heavy metals). Last on her list is vaccines.

This is actually a major part of her thinking, because she buys into the fiction proven many, many times to be utterly false that vaccines somehow cause autism. The big idea is that vaccines, especially the MMR, contain mercury that makes children autistic. This is not the place to show how totally wrong that idea is. It has been shown though that MMR never contained mercury in any form, and that the original study claiming a link was based on falsified data. That doesn’t bother Kerri, though – don’t let facts get in the way of book sales!

Chelation has killed due to essential minerals being stripped from the body. The chemicals used are potent and are not available over the counter in the USA or many other countries. Another excellent summary with further reading links from Autistic Science is here

Chapter 11 covers hyperbarics, and is written by Bob Sands, who makes a living using this method on children. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HbOT) involves putting a person into a pressurized container and pumping it with high-oxygen air. These devices were designed to save divers suffering from the bends and for other life-threatening conditions, not for use on autistic children! Again Autistic Science provides a nice discussion and useful links.
None of these so-called therapies have any basis in science as a means to do anything other than put the safety and welfare of autistics at risk. Most or all are administered by untrained people, and parents are encouraged to do-it-yourself, which is even worse.

Horrified yet?
Seriously, if you have not already seen the inconsistencies in the book, or just been outright horrified that anyone could treat another human being in such an abusive way then the last section should help you to see that those with autism can NOT be fixed. What they want is to be loved and accepted. They are all just like you and me: Human!

Last, but not least, genetics. This is a complex topic for most people. We hear about conditions being genetic. Autism is genetic. It’s something a person is born with. It’s not contagious. Some would say stupidity is, though. This is the final portion of my critique of Kerri’s book.
By way of contrast, the following is a discussion of genetics, and of the connection between genetics and autism. This area of knowledge is rapidly developing, and each months seems to bring a new paper revealing yet more confirmation of a direct link between specific genes and autistic characteristics.

DNA and Autism
In 1962, scientists Francis Crick and James Watson were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their roles in discovering the structure of DNA, which is an acronym for deoxyribonucleic acid. Anything that is alive, from bacteria to elephants, has DNA. DNA stores genetic material and passes it on to the next generation.
DNA Structure in Words
The DNA structure consists of two chainlike molecules (polynucleotides) that twist around each other to form the classic double-helix (photo above). The cell’s machinery forms polynucleotide chains by linking together four nucleotides. The nucleotides which are used to build DNA chains are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) (photo below).

Interesting Facts

DNA houses the information required to make all the polypeptides used by the cell. The sequence of nucleotides in DNA strands (called a “gene”) specifies the sequence of amino acids in polypeptide chains. DNA is a huge molecule called a macromolecule. However, DNA fits into small cells because it is packed in a process called supercoiling, in which DNA is wrapped around proteins called nucleosomes. Proteins called histones hold the coils together.

What do chromosomes do?
The unique structure of chromosomes keeps DNA tightly wrapped around spool-like proteins, called histones. Without such packaging, DNA molecules would be too long to fit inside cells. If all of the DNA molecules in a single human cell were unwound from their histones and placed end-to-end, they would stretch 6 feet. For an organism to grow and function properly, cells must constantly divide to produce new cells to replace old, worn-out cells. During cell division, it is essential that DNA remains intact and evenly distributed among cells. Chromosomes are a key part of the process that ensures DNA is accurately copied and distributed in the vast majority of cell divisions. Still, mistakes do occur on rare occasions.
Changes in the number or structure of chromosomes in new cells may lead to serious problems. In humans, one type of leukemia and some other cancers are caused by defective chromosomes made up of joined pieces of broken chromosomes. It is also crucial that reproductive cells, such as eggs and sperm, contain the right number of chromosomes and
that those chromosomes have the correct structure. If not, the resulting offspring may fail to develop properly. For example, people with Down syndrome have three copies of chromosome 21, instead of the two copies found in other people.

Chromosomes Made Simple – Genetics
Do all living things have the same types of chromosomes? Chromosomes vary in number and shape among living things. Most bacteria have one or two circular chromosomes. Humans, along with other animals and plants, have linear chromosomes that are arranged in pairs within the nucleus of the cell. The only human cells that do not contain pairs of chromosomes are reproductive cells, or gametes, which carry just one copy of each chromosome. When two reproductive cells unite, they become a single cell that contains two copies of each chromosome. This cell then divides, and its successors divide numerous times, eventually producing a mature individual with a full set of paired chromosomes in virtually all of its cells.
Besides the linear chromosomes found in the nucleus, the cells of humans and other complex organisms carry a much smaller type of chromosome similar to those seen in bacteria. This circular chromosome is found in mitochondria, which are structures located outside the nucleus that serve as the cell's powerhouses. Scientists think that, in the past, mitochondria were free-living bacteria with the ability to convert oxygen into energy. When these bacteria invaded cells lacking the power to tap into oxygen’s power, the cells retained them, and, over time, the bacteria evolved into modern-day mitochondria. What are centromeres? The constricted region of linear chromosomes is known as the centromere. Although this constriction is called the centromere, it usually is not located exactly in the center of the chromosome and, in some cases, is located almost at the chromosome's end. The regions on either side of the centromere are referred to as the chromosome's arms. Centromeres help to keep chromosomes properly aligned during the complex process of cell division. As chromosomes are copied in preparation for production of a new cell, the centromere serves as an attachment site for the two halves of each replicated chromosome, known as sister chromatids.

What are telomeres?
Telomeres are repetitive stretches of DNA located at the ends of linear chromosomes. They protect the ends of chromosomes in a manner similar to the way the tips of shoelaces keep them from unraveling. In many types of cells, telomeres lose a bit of their DNA every time a cell divides. Eventually, when all of the telomere DNA is gone, the cell cannot replicate and dies. White blood cells and other cell types with the capacity to divide very frequently have a
special enzyme that prevents their chromosomes from losing their telomeres. Because they retain their telomeres, such cells generally live longer than other cells. Telomeres also play a role in cancer. The chromosomes of malignant cells usually do not lose their telomeres, helping to fuel the uncontrolled growth that makes cancer so devastating.

How many chromosomes do humans have?
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46 chromosomes. In fact, each species of plants and animals has a set number of chromosomes. A fruit fly, for example, has four pairs of chromosomes, while a rice plant has 12 and a dog, 39.

How are chromosomes inherited?
Scientists looking at cells under the microscope first observed chromosomes in the late 1800s. However, at the time, the nature and function of these cell structures were unclear. Researchers gained a much better understanding of chromosomes in the early 1900s through Thomas Hunt Morgan’s pioneering studies. Morgan made the link between chromosomes and inherited traits by demonstrating that the X chromosome is related to gender and eye color in fruit flies.
For Further Information click here

Autism and Genetics

Genetics is a huge field of study, and the information research is revealing about the genetic basis of autism demonstrates how complex the condition is, and also acts as an excellent model of how many genes interact in complex ways.
There are forms of autism and related conditions which we have known previously had a genetic origin, even though exactly what the genetic cause was specifically was unknown. These include Fragile X Syndrome (which is now regarded as a somewhat similar but separate condition to autism thanks to genetic research), Angleman Syndrome, Retts Syndrome, and Prader-Willi Syndrome to mention just a few.
All forms of autism, and many other examples of neurodiversity such as ADD, Dyslexia, or Dyspraxia have a genetic origin. Current research has identified 100 genes certainly linked to aspects of the condition.
While the specific characteristics of one individual autistic may vary through the day or from day to day or year to year, just as they vary from person to person, certain features remain consistent. These relate to the body’s nervous system and the brain.
It has been demonstrated that autistic brains operate differently to neurotypical brains, as do the brains of people with ADD, for example. This is shown by increased activity across multiple brain regions, and is also demonstrated by heightened activity, even while sleeping.
The nervous system has received less attention but this is changing. One of the commonest observations both by and about autistics is that they display extreme sensory capabilities. This is usually revealed by heightened senses, but can also result in notable insensitivity, for example to pain.
The body has several types of nerve, and recent work has demonstrated that autistics typically have a different mix of those nerve types. This not only results in greater or lesser sensitivity, but also to cross-linking between senses, or synesthesia. Perhaps more exciting are hints that nerves linked to emotions have an interplay with those linked to senses. There is evidence starting to appear that this is actually happening, which begins to explain some of why many autistics find certain types of touch inexplicably painful, and others exceptionally blissful.
As the human body develops before birth and after, the brain is constructed through a mix of genetic code and inputs from the nervous system. The differences in brain structure therefore are likely to be the result not just of brain-related genes, but nerve-related genes – the two working together in a complex of feedback.
This is an area of rapid growth and the source of ongoing exciting news. Readers are encouraged to seek out and follow quality science-based websites and blogs. Much of the published papers in this area can be obtained for free through the PubMed site


Posted below are some websites with basic information about some of the variations of autism mentioned above.
News of research on the genetic link is welcome. It helps bring understanding to some or calm fear in others. However, fear should not stop one from learning. With learning, we gain confidence, and with that we can empower autistic people to continue learning. Each day, we have the chance to learn from each experience. Following are some selected articles on the genetic basis of autism in the general sense.
Gene mutation linked to distinct type of autism – NHS Choices
Autism FAQ: What chromosomes are thought to be linked to autistic disorder?
100+ Genes Tied to Autism
Genome Sequencing Reveals New Types of Autism Risk
Thank you for your time.
3. "Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism", second edition, 2014, Authors Kerri Rivera and Kimberly McDaniel
17. This is the reference list used by the college of family physicians Canada (CFPC)
18. Advanced Junior Dictionary 2nd edition, copyright 1962, By Scott, Foresmann & Company
19. Encyclopedia & dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, & Allied Health, Fifth Edition, Copyright 1992.  Pages 1111 - 1112, 1459 - 1460, 1625, 1626, & 1320.  ISBN 0-7216-3456-7.

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Unknown said...

What a wonderful piece of work in response to one of the most hateful, abusive of books!

All strength to the team behind this review and the associated campaign - down with the bleachers!!!


Anonymous said...

Excellent work

Unknown said...

MY niece was cured of all seizures on a similar diet called "the GAPS DIET". I suppose you are going to say she would have been better off having multiple seizures daily and eating the foods that caused her to be in that state. Seriously, it's people like you that need to actually MEET these children and their families and say to them "gee, it's to bad that your son/daughter isn't bashing his/herself against the wall and having temper tantrums that you cannot contain b/c they are seriously deficient in nutrients! Really???

Angie Gorz said...

With all due respect, the GAPS diet is pseudoscience, and I sincerely doubt any reputable doctor would ever recommend it. Epilepsy is certainly a very serious condition, which has many scientifically proven treatments. As for Autism, there is no cure. There is no need for a cure. Autistic children and adults needs to start off in an accepting and loving home, which goes a lot further than so many people realize. Have I met any of these children? You could so so. You can bet on it, and false cures, including MMS, are not going to cure them. Quite the contrary, they are abusive. No diet is going to stop self-injurious behavior. That is simply not how science works.

Unknown said...

I concur. The GAPS diet, bleaching, and anything to do with Rivera is pure bollocks. There IS no cure for autism, as it is a GENETIC disorder that develops in utero. While signs are latent - appear around 18 months to 2 years of age, there is NO PROOF that autism is linked to vaccines, and all studies since the fraudulent work done by Wakefield have shown this. Kerri Rivera has promoted a dangerous form of quackery called CD/MMS, which is basically shoving industrial bleach into a child's rectum to kill of "ropeworm". What is actually does is cauterises and destroys the lining of the bowel, and the excretions are what remains of intestinal tissue. Also, the so called GAPS diet has no basis in scientific value whatsoever. Pure bunk. Read this link as to what the GAPS fraud actually is -

Anyone who would promote such dangerous practices as the Rivera regime and the GAPS fraud, amongst other fake "cures" needs to be evaluated for psychotherapy, given the danger these things are to people in general, and that they are complete psudoscience at its worst.

Megumi Itou said...

If a change in the diet could really help those children and adults, do you really think this would be hidden forever? It's not about the autistics keep their seizures, what they most need is clearly acceptance and respect, how about love to start things with? If you only care about making your child "normal", you kind of lack these 3.

The GAPS diet isn't even an healthy choice if you want to help your intestines, as which it is sold. Anything that erases food-groups of your diet is oftentimes humbug. Only if you're really allergic, it makes sense to get rid of certain foods. And believe me you will know and feel, when you are allergic to something.

CD is at least abusive, sure it's claimed to have cured over 180 autists - but where are they? Hidden away in basements? You only read about those claims with absolutely zero backup and mostly from the same author. Doesn't seem fishy at all, right? Also that so many people tell you what those "worms" are that come out? Yes, of course, every single person telling you the facts is a paid shill/troll... Honestly, what is so wrong about simply loving your child with autism? Sure, it isn't easy, but making them numb puppets without souls is even worse... Not to mention what happens in the worst case.

The only thing those "treatments" are doing is leaving parents who cannot deal with reality, the possibility to go and do things against their children, when all your children need is your love, your respect and your acceptance. To all children this is important, how can they expect the world to accept, respect and love them, when their very own parents/families are not able to?

Your job as a parent, an aunt, an uncle, a grandparent - as part of the family is to love, respect, accept and teach valueable lessons to your children/nieces/nephews/grandchildren. Nobody said it's always easy and it is painful to have to watch your child suffer when you cannot do much to help them. But sometimes this is how life works, you cannot always change things, you cannot make someone "normal"... Life is a challenge, that you either accept or wish away with quack diets and protocols.

Shannon Rasp said...

The GAPS diet lacks any medical or scientific evidence of its supposed magical healing properties, is extremely hard to follow, and deprives the human body of important nutrients. You don't specify what condition your niece had -- autism? Epilepsy? What was it? In any case, I assure you a ridiculous diet like GAPS did not "cure" her condition. Like most people who mistakenly think they know more than medical experts and there is some huge conspiracy to "hide" cures, you provide an anecdote with little information and expect it to be treated as evidence. It's not.